THAT’S RIGHT!! The Avenir Dumpster. Comes in that beautiful Avenir orange color that our dealers have become so familiar with. The Avenir logo will be strategically placed around the Dumpster.

For obvious reasons, freight charges will be dependent on location. (Good Luck Hawaii and Alaska) Some assembly will be required. There are some of you who will probably do some trash talking and think that this is a piece of junk. But I assure you that nothing that Avenir produces is anything that would be considered rubbish.
Once this item takes over the market I would imagine Park will come out with their ‘Big Blue Dumpster’ and name it the BBD-1 and Pedros will soon have their Yellow dumpsters. So I am posting this blog and dating it February 23rd 2009 as the original Bike Shop Junker.
Please feel free to post your comments.
1 comment:
One shop's junk is another's bread and butter. We here at Zapata Cycles (www.zapatacycles.com) would like to co-develop this "Avenir Junker" and put a zero-waste feature into it! We think green goes well with orange, don't you?
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